The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg in conjunction with the Rotary Club San Salvador Noroeste in El Salvador has started to build 180 composting toilets in the community of Metalillito. (Shown at left is one of the completed prototypes.)

Pictured above is the contract signing on Feb. 2nd for the construction. On the left is the contractor, Edwin Mejia, and on the right, Tito Mancía, President of the Rotary Club of San Salvador Noroeste.

The work started immediately on preparation for the construction of 180 composting toilets. Their design is essentially like the seven prototypes whose construction was described in an earlier story here

We have received two construction reports from Ricardo Barrera, the project supervisor, up through Feb 16. He reports good progress including the selection of the first 45 sites and meeting with the beneficiaries to discuss their responsibilities. Below is a picture of Jose David Fuentes, the community leader in purple striped shirt, reviewing a selected site.

Below is a picture of materials being delivered to a site.


A central site with 220 volt electricity has been setup for the metal work with fixture to construct the booths (the sheet steel upper part of the composting toilets) as shown below.

The initial delivery and securing of the materials for the 45 toilets has occurred. The molding of the concrete slabs has started, as shown below. They require a minimum of 8 days curing before they can be moved.